tom shillue
Comedy • Writing • Television
Do you know comedian Tom Shillue? (the Gutfeld guy) This is kind of his private club, for the public. Come on in and hang out.
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Backstage at The Count Basie Theater
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Strange but True

This is what I’ve been doing twice a day

December 19, 2024
And here’s a little “Walk in New York”

Almost looks like a good place to live, right? (I really like living in Westchester, but back when I lived in a manhattan apartment I took advantage of Central Park whenever possible.)

December 19, 2024
This was funny

They were supposed to do a promo with me, but they went right to Bill, but the director cut to me anyway-

The Podcasting Continues!

How to be Special: with Jim Florentine on the HTBTS Podcast

The Podcasting Continues!
November 01, 2021
The Story from Memphis

Thank you for reminding me. I wanted to talk about our post-show hangout in Memphis and here it is:

The Story from Memphis
February 15, 2021
Saturday Night Drive with Tom

This is just me talking while driving, on my way home Saturday Night.

Saturday Night Drive with Tom
14 hours ago

Made like a baby…

And headed out at 11:00 am.
We are currently just north of
Montgomery Alabama.
We rode the Interstate mostly from Pensacola. Now we will ride back roads to Acworth. North of Atlanta Ga.
Not bad, yesterday we were in Madrid Spain, today we are in Sweet Home Alabama
Tonight we’ll be in Georgia.

21 hours ago

Fun for the holidays

post photo preview

Ensconsed in Acworth

🥶🥶🥶🥶 it was a wee bit cold.
7 + hours of seat time.

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