Heading in to do Americas Newsroom (10:40am hit)
Re: my photo- Watch The Gap is what it said here in the United States. in England, it’s “mind the gap.”
Is this the most pressing concern of a commuter? “The gap” refers to the space between the car and the train. I’ve never seen anyone fall into the gap- I’m sure it has happened, but I’ve seen several people fall onto the tracks. And I’ve seen several people almost have their heads crushed because the were leaning over the tracks while not being aware a train was thundering toward them.
Shouldn’t the warning be “Don’t Get Hit By The Train” or “stand back! 48 people fell into the tracks last year at this station alone!” …something like that?
I may be wrong, of course, generally these things develop because the people who run the system see a need. At least that was the way it worked for a few centuries, it’s changing now, but back when Mind The Gap Was first introduced, the world was not as stupid. (People are not more stupid now, but they behave stupidly as is required by current standards and practices)
Perhaps “The Gap” is what causes the most injuries, liability claims, etc. your thoughts are welcome.
I was talking about my “go analog” project on the live video. Here’s a scanned negative from my first roll of film. I had some problems- I don’t know if it was light leaks from the camera or some mistakes in the developing, but only a few came out and they had some scattered spots and streaks.
But it was a lot of fun and hopefully will get better. I’ve shot two more rolls since then.
OK, I'm going to try to post a video of the band. If this comes through OK, this is a song called Martha. It's a bout a chicken we met at the BBQ Pit Boys mother pit in Connecticut.
Just once more?
“I’ve seen fire and I’ve seen rain
I’ve seen sunny days I thought would never end
I’ve seen lonely times when I could not find a friend
But I always thought
That I’d see you
One more time
“One day, one time,
will be the last time,
you will pick up and hold your child…”
“You can never go ‘Home’.”
The other day, I had a realization.
We’ve lived in the Big Blue Beast for almost 1/5 of our marriage. Almost 8 years out of almost 41.
Lots of life has happened in the last eight years. The birth of two grandchildren, two marriages and one divorce. My parents going from independent living to passing.
I’m stoic, so I take it all in stride.
I have one, strange life fear, I can’t conquer.
I don’t fear death.
I fear the desperate loneliness if my wife were to die first.
You may say
“Well that’s selfish.”
Yes it is, but if it’s any consolation, she would not fare better than I.
Someday will be the last; kiss, touch, hand hold, and look of love in her eyes.